Expanding Real Estate Portfolio, Financial Tune Up, First Time Home Buyer, Planning Your Move, Uncategorised
Ok so maybe it’s too soon to stop worrying altogether. Although, after many weeks of uncertainty, it looks as though economists are sallying forth with fresh predictions about what a recovery will look like. After a very strong first quarter in housing, all bets are off for the next 12-18 months. Even as the various levels of government start easing distancing restrictions, consumers are likely going to be much more apprehensive about the process of shopping. This may mean an increase in available listings on the market – at least relative to the number of active buyers. The number of listings may also be influenced by forced sales. Many of the businesses most hard hit by the pandemic will... Read more »
Financial Tune Up, First Time Home Buyer, Philosophy on Financial Wellness, Planning Your Move
Lawyers Amiright? (insert tired lawyer joke here) After the recent experience of one of my clients purchasing their first home, I was inspired to write this note on finding good lawyers to handle the legal end of financing. Without getting into too many details,...
Financial Tune Up, Planning Your Move
A Word to Vendors, Well, the government’s objectives at dropping the housing market worked. It was a rough start to this year but with the spring market, more listings arrived along with high expectations from vendors on pricing. Most of the product available came...
Improving Your Home, Planning Your Move
Put the ROI back into Ren-Ovat-Ions. Some PMG clients bought a house not too long ago and have been slowly fixing it up with the intention of selling it and moving into a bigger place. Their house has around 800 square feet of living space and a very dated kitchen. ...
First Time Home Buyer, Planning Your Move
The real estate business has really ‘run the gamut’ this year. I love that phrase – the origin is traced back to a musical concept developed by a cool medieval monk named Guido who essentially invented the first syllable-note system (think Do, Re, Mi)....